Our Blog

Sales Director or Waiter – which role best describes you? (Part I)
Sales Director or Waiter - which role best describes you? (Part I) Which role best describes you and / or your team: sales 'director' or sales 'waiter / waitress'? No, I'm not talking real job titles - I assume that would be easy to answer - and possibly you're...

The important things in life – the story of the marbles and the jam jar
A Pot Of Jam ( The Important Things In Life ) Translated from a French story - anonomous There once was a professor of philosophy, who in front of his Class, took a large empty pot of jam and without saying a word, began to fill it with golf balls. Then he asked his...

Selling and Sincerity
Selling and Sincerity, two words you may not freely associate with each other, especially set against the backdrop of the current economic and political landscape. Selling, for many, conjures up negative emotions, thoughts and fears both as a buyer and should-be...

Honesty and Sales
Let’s be honest – it’s time to cut the bull! Sometimes in business you feel you can’t always be honest, you can’t always be you! There’s a lot at stake – you might show your vulnerable side, you might expose weakness, you may be misunderstood. Well actually now, more...
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